Friday 11 June 2021 at 6:00 PM (optional dinner), 8pm show120 minsDiverse-City For a few hours, nothing else will matter while you listen and sing along to songs about travelling.

Myths, Legends and Fantasy
Sunday 13 June 2021 at 2:00 PM60 mins Sinclair Gully Winery Join Emma, as she embodies as woodland nymph, on an otherworldly journey using myths, legends and fantasy to look at the realities of life.

The Good Girls’ Guide to Rock
Thursday 3 June 2021 8:30 PMWednesday 9 June 2021 8:30 PM55 minsThe Jade A musical love-fest that transcends music era and expectations as “The Good Girls” peek out of their recital box and become song curious.

Life According to Kate
Tuesday 8 June 2021 8:30 PMThursday 10 June 2021 8:30 PM55 minsThe Jade Eurovision. Tom Selleck’s chest. You’re Terrible, Muriel.

Thursday 3 June 2021 6:00 PMFriday 4 June 2021 6:00 PM60 minsNexus Arts A tale of travel, love and love for travel. A story of Schnitzel, Sauerkraut and Schicksal (fate). A series of sliding-door moments.

Sixty Sassy and Celebrating!
Friday 4 June 2021 7:30 PMSaturday 5 June 2021 7:30 PM60 minsStar Theatres If 60 is the new 40, and 40 is the new 20, when do we finally grow up?

Massive Cocker
CANCELLED120min (includes interval)Diverse-City Massive Cocker, Australia’s biggest little Joe Cocker tribute, presenting an evening of stories and Joe Cocker’s greatest hits.