

In 2019 The Cabaret Fringe Association Inc was established with a commitment to continue creating open-access events and other opportunities for cabaret artists, producers and venue operators with an aim to present work to both city and rural audiences in South Australia.

The cornerstone event for Cabaret Fringe Inc is an annual open-platform festival, promoting accessible pathways for audiences to experience emerging and established cabaret artists, and to enabling income-generating opportunities for artists.

It is a not for profit event, run by a voluntary board. Mark de Raad is the Chair.


The Cabaret Fringe creates open-access events and other opportunities for cabaret artists, producers and others to present their work to both city and rural audiences in South Australia, and beyond. This is achieved through an annual festival, as well as other programs and projects as determined by the Board.


The cornerstone event for The Cabaret Fringe is an annual open platform festival (“Adelaide Cabaret Fringe Festival”) with a collaborative marketing ‘umbrella’, promoting accessible pathways for audiences to experience emerging and established cabaret artists, and providing income generating opportunities for artists.


We will seek to attract partnerships, sponsorships and philanthropy to support the development of Cabaret Fringe and its ventures.


The Cabaret Fringe is a non-discriminatory, inclusive, safe and welcoming Association for all its Members and stakeholders. It conducts its activities in compliance with the law, at a minimum, and endeavours to always be honest, and fair in all its dealings.


The purpose of the Association can be changed by Special Resolution.


The values of the Association are:

Open and Accessible: open access, social inclusivity, welcoming, non-discriminatory, affordable

Live: performance, art, audience can experience something away from a screen/away from their home

Creativity: respect for the integrity of the art/artist/producer, whilst encouraging artists to be respectful and considerate of other people and cultures

Financially sustainable: an Association with long-term possibilities, that provides a means by which artists and producers can generate income

Honest and Fair: communicate and connect with all stakeholders, and conduct all activities in an honest and fair manner, and in compliance with all relevant laws and regulations