Fri 4th June, 7:30pm
Sat 5th June, 7:30pm
60 mins
Star Theatres
If 60 is the new 40, and 40 is the new 20, when do we finally grow up?
Reaching a significant birthday, Alison Kimber has thrown caution to the winds and reveals the good, the bad and the funny things about growing older in her one-woman show 60 Sassy and Celebrating!
Combining juke box hits of the 60s with more ‘modern’ tunes, Alison’s original show reveals how a little girl was fascinated by 1960s divas like Dusty and thought growing up would be all sequins and big hair.
But things changed!
Featuring Alison’s trademark warmth, wit and love of a good tune,
60 Sassy and Celebrating! is an engaging mix of music, laughter and thought-provoking revelations.
Alison is an experienced executive, now turned professional non-executive director with a not-so-secret love of performing. Her audiences warm to her intimate, honest and hilarious portrayals of real life.
Her first solo cabaret “Musical Skeletons in My Closet” was a witty expose of her journey from Corporate to Cabaret by way of her love for jukebox hits from the 60s, 70s and 80s, and was first performed at the Adelaide Cabaret Fringe Festival in June 2013 to sold out audiences. It had a highly successful return season at the Adelaide Fringe in 2017.
Alison’s second full-length cabaret “Loveaholic” was a light-hearted look at her addiction to romantic love, and had highly successful seasons at the Adelaide Fringe and Cabaret Under the Star in 2015.
In 2018 Alison performed “The Power of a Sequin” as part of a full-length cabaret with Shelley Dunstone for the Cabaret Fringe and in November 2019 she wrote, produced and performed another original cabaret show “Sequins Songs and the Power of the 60’s” about growing up in 1960’s Adelaide.