Donate Now

Donating today supports Cabaret Fringe Festival, proudly open access, celebrating cabaret for everyone and by everyone! Amounts $2 AUD and over are tax deductible and you will be issued automatically with a tax deductible receipt to your email address.
Note that this form only accepts a minimum donation amount of $5 and above.

Mobile or daytime preferred
Organisation name if applicable

Donation details and Acknowledgement

Payment details

VISA / MasterCard only accepted

Australia Cultural Fund

If you are interested in donating to the Adelaide Cabaret Fringe Festival via the Australian Cultural Fund, simply click the following link to donate via the Australian Cultural Fund website

Supporters and Sponsors

We truly could not make this festival the bold, creative, inclusive and accessible event that it is, without our supporters and sponsors. If you are interested in working with CabFringe, partnering or supporting us, please get in touch at

Bank Transfer or Telephone

If you prefer to make an offline donation via bank transfer or telephone, please call Simone on 0431 849 323 or email

Wills and Bequests

Bequests in your will to Adelaide Cabaret Fringe Festival leaves a legacy for future cabaret communities to continue to connext audiences and acts like no other art form. Your gift will help to ignite Adelaide's future cultural and artistic opportunities, live performances in local venues and allow artists more avenues to perform, practice and perfect their art form and generate income. If you're planning to leave a gift in your Will to Adelaide Cabaret Fringe Festival, or would like to learn more, you can contact us confidentially on 0431 849 323 or email Simone on